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Care Programs Overview
Explore Clinii's comprehensive healthcare programs, designed to optimize care management across chronic conditions, transitions, behavioral health, and more through innovative technology solutions
(Chronic Care Management)
CCM Involves coordinated care activities to manage chronic diseases and improve health outcomes, focusing on continuous patient support, medication management, and personalized care plans.
(Principal Care Management)
PCM focuses on patients with a single high-risk chronic condition, providing tailored care coordination, specialist support, and comprehensive management to improve overall health outcomes.
(Value-Based Care)
VBC shifts healthcare reimbursement from volume to value, emphasizing patient outcomes and efficiency. It rewards providers for quality, cost-effective care, aiming to enhance health system performance.
(Remote Therapeutic Management)
RTM utilizes technology to monitor and manage patient therapy remotely, improving outcomes by adapting treatments based on real-time data and enhancing patient-provider communication.
(Transitional Care Management)
TCM focuses on providing support and continuity of care for patients transitioning from a hospital setting to other care environments, aiming to reduce re-admissions and improve health outcomes.
(Behavior Health Integration)
BHI involves coordinating mental health, substance use, and primary care services to provide comprehensive, patient-centered care that addresses the full spectrum of behavioral and physical health needs.
(Annual Wellness Visits)
AWV are preventive health assessments for Medicare beneficiaries, focusing on creating personalized prevention plans, assessing health risks, and updating health screenings and vaccinations to manage overall health proactively.
(Community Health Integration)
CHI involves integrating healthcare services within community settings to enhance access, improve health outcomes, and address social determinants of health by linking individuals with local resources and support.
(Remote Physiological Monitoring)
RPM involves the use of digital technologies to monitor and capture medical and other health data from patients remotely, facilitating real-time care management and adjustments to
treatment plans.
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